Wednesday, 04 May 2022 18:09

Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2022

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A good web designer understands Internet technologies and understands psychology. It also follows trends - this increases the effectiveness of products.


Clients' business grows, and you get advertising, reviews, and a well-deserved salary. The more successful the project, the more interesting it is. In this article, we will analyze the web design trends that are relevant in 2022 from shopify development company  point of view.

1. Retro

Modern designers are returning to the origins of the Internet. On the wall of the nineties and early 20ths, there were a lot of annoying GIFs on the sites. Acid colors, stickers, it's customary to decorate the covers of notebooks, and pixel fonts are returning in fashion.

Also, Web 1.0 was characterized by pages similar to Geocities. ​​

It is inconvenient to use such a site. The main thing is comfort and accessibility of information: buttons in clear places, color combinations, and stickers do not overlap text.

You can use elements inherent in the seventies.

There was no Internet then, but there was the printed matter. The streets of the city were decorated with a variety of posters with curved letters and simple illustrations. There is hippie aesthetics that help you: colorful patterns, vinyl, and a touch of rebellion.

2. Geometric shapes

Mixing patterns and shapes allows you to achieve good results. The colorful triangles, squares, and bold zigzags can be used wisely. It is desirable to find a balance between bright elements and empty background. That is why the design will be less cumbersome. 

Sometimes geometry is combined with photographs. Let translucent pink circles appear on a black and white portfolio. Inside, you can indicate important points or leave inspirational messages. Since they stand out, they are hard to ignore. There are volumetric spheres, springs, and other 3D models. In order not to overload the page, place them at a large distance from each other and discard shadows. If you want dynamics, add animation and let visitors interact with it.

3 .Anti-design and brutalism

Web design courses will teach you how to create layouts that are beautiful and user-friendly, and you need to come up with an individual style yourself. One of the 2022 rules is breaking the rules. Examples are controversial color combinations and asymmetry. 

Neo-brutalism also goes against the system. Sites look primitive, unfinished. The visitor sees an empty background, standard fonts, and raw photos. If all of the above seems wild, dilute the design with elements of minimalism. Use more modern fonts and process photos in the same style. The site will look nicer, and perfectionists will be able to visit it without harm to health.

4. Illustrations

Sites often meet characters accompanying users. They help to navigate the structure and demonstrate products. For example, they offer to look into the next tab or pick up a bonus. No need to bother with drawing shadows, realism, and anatomy. In a trend in correct proportions

Minimalism and line art allow you to save time on drawing faces, folds of clothes, and other nuances. The first is characterized by simple lines, neutral colors, and clean textures. Line art will appeal to lovers of neat patterns. Such pictures do not need to be painted over, it is enough to leave thin contours.

Animated illustrations are also relevant. You can draw an introductory instruction, on the dynamics of brand development. They load as videos or GIFs.

5. Moving text or kinetic typography

When creating an animation, keep in mind that text is the source of information. If the inscriptions run across the screen too quickly, they cannot be read. Of course, you should use clear fonts in a color that contrasts with the background.

Moving inscriptions are an interesting accent, and it is better to apply it pointwise. You can animate the logo, slogan, or the main idea of ​​the section. The appearance of bulk text will slow down the loading of the page. The most common techniques are morphing, resizing, moving in a circle, and smooth movement.

6. Psychedelic

This direction of art arose based on social upheavals in the 60s of the last century. The artists explained that they fit beauty and ugliness, bright forms, and gloomy impulses of the subconscious in their works. The pictures were like a hallucination, a dream that was not destined to come true. Comparing the events of the two eras is wrong, but it cannot be denied that the pandemic has affected all areas of our lives. It's hard to stay the same when the world around you changes instantly. Perhaps the return of psychedelics is not accidental.

Such illustrations are characterized by thin lines and a rich palette of colors. Draw alien landscapes, mushroom fields, flying saucers - everything that fantasy is capable of. We also include abstract patterns here: chaotic spots and ornaments that you could observe in kaleidoscopes.

7. Video content

This type of content is relevant to all social networks, and web designers should take note of it. Let's say you're making a portfolio website for a photographer. You need to add infographics that reflect the skills of editors, curiosities from the biography, and examples of work. You can insert regular sliders or arrange the photos in order, relying on the fact that the person scrolls through the tape to the end. Another option is to prepare a video presentation. To make it dynamic, dilute the slides with animated graphics, text, and behind-the-scenes secrets. People will see how the photographer communicates with the model, looking for angles, joking, and smiling. This may influence the decision to cooperate.

If you don’t have time to study the video editor, use the program for creating presentations - FotoSHOW-PRO, SlideDog, Prezi, etc. They are simpler and contain ready-made templates.

8. Decorative fonts

Wavy and dancing up and down letters look stylish. Such text is difficult to read the first time without errors, but it will decorate the page. It is important to choose the correct dosage. Let the name of the company bent at unimaginable angles, and the main block of information “stands still”.

Minimalist lovers decided to experiment with effects. Website typography is complemented by 3D models or animations. Moving objects may change the color or size of the font.

9. Gradients

Designers interfere with acid green, yellow, pink, and other colors. Looking at the result, we plunge into nostalgia for the nineties. We conclude: that when using neon shades, you can kill two birds with one stone. The only thing missing is stickers and cute GIFs.

Less flashy, smooth gradients are also popular. They can be translucent, and make up the top layer of the image. A calm gradient, in which a light shade flows into a dark one, is suitable for highlighting text blocks and the main background.

10. Minimalism in infographics

Brand development data can be represented using statistics. It should be understood that the study of complex tables, graphs, and charts on a small scale requires more time and is not always justified. For many years of work, thousands of operations have been performed - the most interesting ones should be placed on the site. To attract the attention of the visitor, choose rich colors and large elements.

If the site owner has mastered 15 video editors, the infographic should reflect:

  • the most famous options
  • programs that he knows best.

The rest can be mentioned in a text note or FAQ.

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